Monday, August 25, 2008

Family Time

I finished dinner and got the kids ready for a family time out. We got our closest friends the Underhills with their two daughters and we went to a near by park down the street from our home. I was so excited to spend quality time, have fun, smile and laugh. The first 30 minutes were great. We played football with Devon the kids played on the play ground then we all got together formed two teams and played football. As most of you know the Babcock's can and are very competitive and it got out of hand. Devon and Mindi usually or Devon and Damon. Isn't that what it is with siblings. They started to hit, yell, fight and so we had to end on a downer note. We had a huge family discussion over dinner at home. Family is to be loved, enjoyed and talked to nicely. They took showers and went to bed. We finished Devon's homework that he needed help with by 10:00 and then off to bed he went. We really need to get to bed earlier. There are not enough hours in the day to work with three kids and their activities. We are still tiring to juggle it all. A new day tomorrow. Thank you guys I had a great time!!! Love Mom.

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